American Tinnitus Association:
American Tinnitus Association is a non-profit organization in the United States that promotes relief of, helps prevent and investigates cures for tinnitus. There is no cure for tinnitus to date, although there are management treatments.
The mission and core purpose of the American Tinnitus Association are to promote relief, help prevent, and find cures for tinnitus, evidenced by its core values of compassion, credibility.
Associated Journal:
Neurootological and Equilibriometric Society:
The International Neurootological and Equilibriometric Society was founded in Bad Kissingen (Bavaria, Germany) in 1974. The aims of the Society is to promote clinical neurootology in practice and in the field of clinical research; inform doctors and paramedical interested in this field in making neurootological diagnosis, paying special attention to tests of functional equilibrium, audiometry, olfactometry and gustometry; standardize clinical methods of research and research equipment in the field of neurootology; create functional anthropometric standards in the field of neurootology; develop provisional principles of occupational medical character for employees recruited for occupations particularly straining the neurootological functioning of the senses ,enable participation with the help of neurootological and medical advice in the development of new transport technologies and other technologies, where disorientation strain occurs; develop and advance the various approaches for treatment of the neurootological disorders.
Brazil Federal District Otorhinolaryngologist Society:
Brazil Federal District Otorhinolaryngologist Society publishes original contributions in otorhinolaryngology and related fields in oral-maxillofacial surgery, head and neck surgery and phoniatrics.
The aim of the society is the national and international dissemination of scientific production related to otolaryngology, in addition to raising the discussion, in editorials, of matters of scientific, academic and professional relevance.